Positivo Tecnologia and the Environment
Positivo Tecnologia performs its activities effectively and is aware that quality of its products and services, preservation/protection of the environment, social responsibility, sustainable purchases, business ethics, labor and human rights, prevention of occupational injuries and diseases of its employees, management of its business and internal processes should be among its greatest commitments and priorities, as well as other aspects of the company’s management.
Our Integrated Management Policy is based on the following management principles:
To continuously evaluate its management systems in order to promote continuous performance improvement, operating jointly with our stakeholders to meet and comply with their expectations and requirements with high technology products, processes, and services, respecting the community where we operate, succeeding as a company that is aware of its rights and duties;
To prevent the environmental impacts which our activities may cause, promoting efforts towards a better environmental performance focusing on pollution prevention, sustainable development, by using natural resources efficiently and sustainably, fighting climate change, controlling its significant environmental aspects, through the reasonable consumption of energy prioritizing renewable and clean sources, to be ready for the transition to a low carbon economy, monitoring water and fuel consumption, effluent generation and measuring greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), solid waste management, compliance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), reverse logistics, reusing and recycling materials whenever possible in order to avoid pollution;
To identify, monitor, evaluate, and manage the risks that impact the business in order to prevent, minimize or eliminate hazards and seize opportunities, implementing strategies, developing the perception of risks, opportunities and activities that promote safe and effective processes to manage the continuous improvement of quality performance, occupational health and safety (OHS), social programs, the environment, and the business continuity;
To maintain an efficient communication system with internal and external stakeholders when applicable regarding management standards;
Establish, implement and maintain the SSO system allowing the participation and consulting employees of all levels and functions, service providers, workers’ representatives and other stakeholders, for its development, commitment, planning, implementation, with improvement initiatives in the SSO system;
To educate, motivate, increase employee awareness by providing the means, information, participation, resources, training, and time necessary for our employees and others to ensure their competence regarding the integrated management system, qualifying them to adopt sustainable behaviors at work and at home;
To continuously improve the integrated management system supporting the company’s strategic direction and purpose focusing on the sustainability of processes and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
To raise employees’ awareness of the importance of complying with the provisions of this policy, as well as promoting the ongoing review of established quality, environmental and health and safety objectives and goals, acting in an ethical and sustainable manner;
To provide working conditions to preserve the health and safety of employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, and any person related to the organization’s activities, by eliminating hazards and reducing risks, preventing incidents, injuries, and occupational diseases related to its activity, constantly monitoring the performance of our hired workers to ensure their compliance with our SSO requirements in safe and responsible behavior;
To comply and enforce the provisions included in the legal regulations and procedures relevant to the Quality System, Environment, and Occupational Health, in addition to all applicable requirements from Customers and suppliers, and other requirements eventually subscribed by the company; To continuously promote the corporate governance structure and systems with corporate social responsibility initiatives in the ethical, social, environmental, and economic plan, in its entire value chain and operational scope;
To respect and comply with the principles established in the Code of Conduct, by adopting practices focused on Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety, and Social Responsibility.
This Is Thinking About Sustainability

Constantly evaluate and improve management, processes, products, and services, meeting the customers’ and partners’ expectations, and complying with social responsibilities;

Improve environmental performance and reduce pollution;

Raise awareness among employees regarding the relevance of achieving the objectives and goals of this Quality and Environmental Policy.

Integrate Environmental Management, Health and Safety, and Quality Policy in a single system to comply with legislation and improve activities;

Comply with the legal requirements and the standards established by the Company;

Operate with consciousness, ethics, and commitment.

NBR ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management
Quality control system; contracting of suppliers committed to the system; audits and corrective/preventive actions; planning of strategic operations; among others.

NBR ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management
Improvement in process efficiency; consumption reduction of products to be treated; reduction of environmental and human risks; creation of the life cycle assessment (ACV) (according to the Quality and Environment Policy).

OHSAS 18001:2007 – Occupational Health and Safety Management
Protect and ensure a healthy and safe work environment to a company’s employees.